About Us

Our mission is to improve patient outcomes and EMS provider knowledge through access to high-quality education, training, and awareness. Join us through membership, advertising, or sponsorship!

Created by Emergency Responders for Emergency Responders

American CME was founded in 2009 by a Paramedic Firefighter from West Bloomfield, Michigan who filmed and produced Oakland County’s stroke protocol update and identified a need for video-based continuing medical education for emergency responders. In the years that followed, American CME became a robust, in-house production company for creating, producing, and hosting online education for prehospital emergency care providers. Over 70,000 EMRs, EMTs, Paramedics, and Specialists created accounts on our original platform and chose American CME for their continuing medical education.

In 2022, American CME started the process of changing to a non-profit organization to strengthen our mission, vision, and contribution to the field of EMS. Our board of directors includes highly experienced educators and EMS professionals from hospitals and EMS agencies from across the US who are deeply committed to improving patient outcomes, protecting the public, and advancing the EMS profession through high-quality educational services and resources. Our work together focuses on ensuring American CME’s ongoing development of high-quality continuing education courses and providing a platform that serves as a hub for EMS professional development and connection.

Educating the EMS Community Since 2009

Agency Partners
New Students
Legacy Students

Reach Your Target Audience of EMS Professionals

Our nationwide EMS demographic includes first responders, EMTs, AEMTs, paramedics, instructor coordinators, agency administrators, training officers, medical directors, and more.

In addition to being employed by EMS agencies, emergency services, hospitals, and state and county medical control authorities, our members visit American CME regularly to take our nationally accredited CME.

Our news feed of current EMS topics is accessible on our Resources menu. The EMS News page features over 30 current stories with a sidebar that recognizes our advertisers and sponsors with each ad linking directly to the respective websites.

Campaigns start as low as $300 per item per month.
The ad package is a 150px x 150px image and up to 80 characters of text.

Become a Sponsor

Sponsors are recognized across our website and courses according to the level of partnership and receive thousands of impressions throughout the year of sponsorship.

Contact us for our sponsorship proposal.

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