Free CE Courses

Browse our courses and enroll in one at a time, or unlock them all by enrolling in the Free CE Course Bundle.


12-Lead ECG Review (Medical)

An introduction to the values on a 12-Lead EKG and the ranges for normal, left, right, and extreme axis deviations.


12-Lead RACER (Medical)

12-Lead RACER provides access to 12-lead EKG rhythm strips for interpretation skills assessment.


3-Lead RACER (Medical)

3-Lead RACER provides access to 3-Lead EKG rhythm strips for interpretation skills assessment.


A Roadmap to Patient Restraint (Preparatory)

Effective physical restraint procedures for resistant and combative patients.


ACS Guidelines for Field Triage (Operations)

How to use the ACS Trauma Triage Decision Making Scheme to identify and meet trauma patient needs.


Anatomy and Pathophysiology of Stroke (Medical)

Better understand the impact of a stroke on the brain in the context of stroke screening and severity-based scales.


Basic EKG Fundamentals (Medical)

An introduction to ECG rhythm interpretation, the elements of ECG graph paper, and time and energy measurements.


Bed Bugs (Preparatory)

Bedbug identification, infestation, risks, and actions for mitigating transport.


Burn Basics (Trauma)

Recognizing different types of burns, how they affect the patient, and appropriate treatments and transport considerations.


Circadian Rhythm Disturbances (Preparatory)

The circadian rhythm, stages of sleep, and consequences of sleep disruptions.


Communicable Diseases Part 1 (Preparatory)

Communicable disease pathogens, symptoms, and modes of transmission.


Communicable Diseases Part 2 (Preparatory)

Communicable disease transmission and precautions for minimizing exposure.


Cot Operations: Patient Lifting (Preparatory)

Lifting biomechanics and tools for reducing injury and increasing patient safety.


Diabetes Anatomy & Physiology (Preparatory)

The physiological factors, symptoms, types, and complications of diabetes.


Diabetic Emergencies (Medical)

Appropriate EMS interventions and treatments for patients with with diabetic emergencies.


EMS Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes (Medical)

Management of ACS patients from symptom onset to definitive care and transport options.


Identifying Large Vessel Occlusion (LVO) Strokes With FAST-ED (Medical)

How to apply the FAST-ED steps plus key priorities associated with best practices in stroke patient assessment and care.


Identifying LVO Strokes with RACE (NJ) (Medical)

How to apply RACE steps plus key priorities associated with best practices in stroke patient assessment and care in New Jersey.


Identifying STEMIs With 12-Lead ECGs (Medical)

A simplified approach to interpreting 12-Lead ECGs to identify an ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI).


IM Epinephrine (1mg/mL) (Medical)

The indications, effects, and administration of intramuscular (IM) epinephrine for management of anaphylaxis and bronchospasm.


Intraosseous Cannulation (Preparatory)

The indications, tools, risks, and contraindications of IO cannulation.


Introduction to the MI MEDIC: Part 1 (Pediatric Medication Administration)

Learn how to use the Medication Emergency Dosing and Intervention Cards (MEDIC) to answer the question: “How much do I push?”


Introduction to the MI-MEDIC: Part 2 (Pediatric Medication Administration)

Continue learning about the MI-MEDIC for pediatric medication administration and answering the question: “How much do I push?”


Introduction to the MI-MEDIC: Part 3 – The Realities of Pediatric Medication Administration in EMS (Pediatric Medication Administration)

A discussion of pediatric emergencies in the prehospital setting and how to prevent medication dosage errors.


Keep It Clean (Preparatory)

Fomites and the role of disinfection in preventing disease transmission.


King Airway (Airway)

King Airway device function, indications, contraindications, and tips for insertion.


Landing Zone (Operations)

How to facilitate a HEMS response and safe landing in order to deliver your patient to definitive care when a helicopter is required.


Large Vessel Occlusion Stroke (Medical)

Stroke patient assessment, screening, documentation, and communication with receiving stroke centers.


MI Mandatory Reporting Laws – Child and Vulnerable Adult Abuse and Neglect (Special Considerations)

Learn about Michigan’s laws and effective response protocols in situations concerning child or vulnerable adult abuse or neglect.


Part 1: The Scene Survey (Patient Assessment)

Identifying scene subcomponents in order to call upon what you need to render proper care.


Part 2: The Initial Assessment (Patient Assessment)

How to recognize and respond to potential life-threatening conditions that affect our patient.


Part 3: The Secondary Assessment (Patient Assessment)

The indications and components of focused, rapid, and detailed physical examinations during patient assessment.


Platinum 600 (Trauma)

Time-based treatment plans to maximize your efficiency and effectiveness during the first 600 seconds of a trauma.


Radio Communications for EMS (Operations)

Learn about radio communication and effective communication between EMS providers and emergency department staff.


Sepsis: Recognize and Respond (Medical)

Sepsis identification and treatment options for EMS professionals.


Spinal Immobilization – Maybe It’s Time for a Change (Trauma)

An evidence-based presentation on the dangers of backboard use for immobilizing patients with potential spine injuries.


Stroke: EMS Transport Options (Medical)

Responding to stroke patients with appropriate treatments and quality emergency transport decisions


The Opioid Overdose Epidemic in America (Medical)

Identifying an opioid overdose patient and treating with Narcan to prevent mortality.


The Pains of Patient Lifting and Handling (Preparatory)

Injury prevention using proper lifting practices, tools, and new technology.


The ResQCPR System (Medical)

The essentials for using the ResQCPR System and performing ACD-CPR with an ITD.


The ResQPOD ITD 10 (Medical)

Essential information about using the ResQPOD and performing ACD-CPR with an ITD on patients in cardiac arrest.


Violence in EMS: Recognize and Respond (Operations)

Learn the importance of an EMS personnel plan for defense against violence and how to identify, avoid, and deescalate emerging threats.

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