Cot Operations: Patient Lifting and Handling Tools
- Time: 30 Minutes
- Format: Video
- CE Credits: 0.5
- Practice Area(s): MFR/EMR, EMT, and Paramedic
- Category: Preparatory
This course is designed to increase EMS personnel and patient safety when lifting and loading patients during cot operations. This course describes the biomechanics related to patient loading and unloading and the specific risk factors that increase the EMS provider’s likelihood of back injury. Studies have shown powered cots and loading systems reduce the incidents of back injury due to both acute and cumulative trauma. This course will discuss the proper use of the Stryker Power Pro XT cot and the Stryker Power-LOAD cot fastening system and how they greatly reduce the potential for injury to EMS providers and increase patient safety.
✪ Enroll using the Signup form below.
Important: An EMS license number and expiration date is required on the enrollment form. If you do not have a number, please use a placeholder such as 00000 and a date.
If you already have an AmericanCME.ORG account, log in before enrolling.
Attention: This free course is provided for educational purposes only.
- It is not CAPCE accredited.
- The CE credits are not accepted by most State EMS offices.
- NREMT will only accept CE credits that are state accepted or CAPCE accredited.
- Check your state on our Accepted States page.
- Go to CAPCE courses here.