Large Vessel Occlusion Stroke
- Time: 30 Minutes
- Format: Video
- CE Credits: 0.5
- Practice Area(s): MFR/EMR, EMT, AEMT/Spec, and Paramedic
- Category: Medical
During this course EMS providers will be introduced to large vessel occlusion (LVO) stroke, as well as a sample of stroke severity scales that are intended to accurately predict LVO stroke in the field. This course will also present how EMS providers can improve prehospital stroke screening, documentation, and communication with receiving stroke centers. Stroke treatment is rapidly evolving. This evolution centers on treating LVO strokes with an endovascular procedure known as mechanical thrombectomy. Several recent studies have clearly established mechanical thrombectomy as the standard of care for select LVO stroke patients. This new standard of care is changing the way EMS providers approach stroke patient assessment and treatment. As a result, EMS providers need education that explains what an LVO stroke is, why it’s important, and how to recognize key indicators of LVO stroke in the field.
✪ Enroll using the Signup form below.
Important: An EMS license number and expiration date is required on the enrollment form. If you do not have a number, please use a placeholder such as 00000 and a date.
If you already have an AmericanCME.ORG account, log in before enrolling.
Attention: This free course is provided for educational purposes only.
- It is not CAPCE accredited.
- The CE credits are not accepted by most State EMS offices.
- NREMT will only accept CE credits that are state accepted or CAPCE accredited.
- Check your state on our Accepted States page.
- Go to CAPCE courses here.