MI-MEDIC Part 3: The Realities of Pediatric Medication Administration in EMS
- Time: 30 Minutes
- Format: Video
- CE Credits: 0.5
- Practice Area(s): MFR/EMR, EMT, and Paramedic
- Category: Special Considerations; Pediatric Medication Administration
Current research shows that as EMS providers, we don’t see a lot of pediatric emergencies in the prehospital setting, and when we do, common medication errors are made. More importantly, studies have shown why these critical errors exist and what we can do about them in our ongoing professional development. Bottom line, research is the foundation of evidence-based medicine that drives positive change through ongoing education. This course seeks to help EMS providers recognize the scarcity and gravity of pediatric emergencies and how to respond effectively.
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Attention: This free course is provided for educational purposes only.
- It is not CAPCE accredited.
- The CE credits are not accepted by most State EMS offices.
- NREMT will only accept CE credits that are state accepted or CAPCE accredited.
- Check your state on our Accepted States page.
- Go to CAPCE courses here.