Intraosseous Cannulation
- Time: 30 Minutes
- Format: Video
- CE Credits: 0.5
- Practice Area(s): Paramedics and Specialists
- Category: Preparatory
Your patient is deteriorating quickly and you can’t get an IV line! What do you do? Transport without vascular access and hope for the best? NO! You need vascular access, and IO access can help. This CME lecture focuses on the intraosseous space as a non-collapsible vein while highlighting the advancement of IO tools and insertion techniques.
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Attention: This free course is provided for educational purposes only.
- It is not CAPCE accredited.
- The CE credits are not accepted by most State EMS offices.
- NREMT will only accept CE credits that are state accepted or CAPCE accredited.
- Check your state on our Accepted States page.
- Go to CAPCE courses here.