Anatomy and Pathophysiology of Stroke


This course is intended to challenge EMS providers to not only recognize a stroke but also to better understand its impact on the brain and its function. By combining improved understanding of the brain’s structure and function, with the objective assessment criteria contained within stroke screening and severity based scales, EMS providers should be able to increase stroke detection in the field, improve their ability to convey stroke assessment findings to the receiving stroke center, and ultimately help to produce better outcomes for stroke patients.

✪ Enroll using the Signup form below.

Important: An EMS license number and expiration date is required on the enrollment form. If you do not have a number, please use a placeholder such as 00000 and a date.

If you already have an AmericanCME.ORG account, log in before enrolling.

Attention: This free course is provided for educational purposes only.

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