12-Lead RACER: Rhythm Analysis and Cardiac Event Recognition

The American CME RACER is a skills assessment course for EKG interpretation. There are two assessments available, one for practicing 3-Lead EKG interpretation and the other for practicing 12-Lead EKG interpretation. This course features 12-Lead EKG interpretation. Each RACER course provides 30 randomized EKG rhythms strips from a bank of hundreds.

Identify 30 EKG rhythms correctly for a score of 100% to earn a Certificate of Competition. Following each response, you will be informed of your results. If you identified the rhythm correctly, continue to the next rhythm. If you did not identify the rhythm correctly, you can continue or jump to the end of the quiz and restart it. You will be shown all new questions each time you begin, and you have unlimited attempts available providing you a great opportunity to practice your EKG rhythm interpretation skills.

✪ Enroll using the Signup form below.

Important: An EMS license number and expiration date is required on the enrollment form. If you do not have a number, please use a placeholder such as 00000 and a date.

If you already have an AmericanCME.ORG account, log in before enrolling.

Attention: This free course is provided for educational purposes only.

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